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Aleksandr Pushkin

Aleksandr Pushkin

The Singer

Did you attend? He sang by grove ripe -   
The bard of love, the singer of his mourning.
When fields were silent by the early morning,
To sad and simple sounds of a pipe
         Did you attend?

Did you behold in dark of forest leaf  
The bard of love, the singer of his sadness?
The trace of tears, the smile, the utter paleness,
The quiet look, full of eternal grief,
         Did you behold?

Then did you sigh when hearing how cries
The bard of love, the singer of his dole?
When in the woods you saw the young man, sole,
And met the look of his extinguished eyes,
         Then did you sigh? 

© Copyright, 1996
Translated from Russian by Yevgeny Bonver, August 1995,
Edited by Dmitry Karshtedt, June 1996.

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