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Poems Submitted by Our Readers


A Walk to the Ocean

I walked to the Ocean and I walked alone
From that place known as home
Many visions I had as I walked that path
Visions of hell, hatred , and wrath
Pain, suffering, and permanent heartache
Melonchollie, sadness, and night without daybreak
I reached my destination in sadness and tears 
Having no more love, hatred, or fears
I let children drown in the ocean and suffocate in the sand 
When someone needed help, they looked elsewhere for a hand
My rage overcame me and I stabbed someone with a knife
They tried me for murder and punished me for life
And me sitting there with nothing to care
My veins pulsing rapidly as they strapped me to the chair
As darkness fell upon me and my life drained away
I remembered my walk to the ocean that day

Adam Homan

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