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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Jonathan Stump: TEAR


I say something that sparks an emotion
sensed in your ear but felt in your heart
your eyes focus through me to nothing
and see the feeling hidden in word
an innocent tear escapes from your eye
and begins to role down your pale cheek
its a symbol of the undeserved pain you feel
so you close your eyes wishing it to heal
I look at it and see the reflection of you
a window to emotions which I am looking through
it falls from your chin
and catches the light of your heart
so your lonely eyes open
hearing the whisper of its depart
with that tear a forgotten memory
you look up at me with a hazel stare
asking if my heart does truly care
without words I give you my answer
and with it you see the reflection of me
telling you what will come of our love to be

Jonathan Stump

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