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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Phyllis Mooney: Questions or Answers

Questions or Answers

Questions unanswered, answers unheard
why do you listen and hear not a word?
Is it foreign to you the language I speak?
Or is your own answers to questions you seek?

Where are the answers, where are they to be found?
Inside you, inside me, roaming around.
What are the questions you need to ask?
Do they reveal the future, the present or the past?

What question do you fear, what answers terrify?
Do you seek the truth or the safety of a lie?
Are answers what you want or only to be heard?
Do you find comfort knowing others hear your words?

Questions unanswered are not difficult to find.
Answers are waiting if you only open your mind.
Within yourself questions will always abide,
but the answers will be found if you just look inside.

Phyllis Mooney

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