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Poems Submitted by Our Readers



Like an unveiling night fades into day
Brown curly hair turns into gray.
The river runs deeper into the bed of rock
Deeper and deeper with the tick of the clock.

As I walk backward within my mind,
Through deep and darkened caverns I wind
From one darkness, into darkness still
Groping, grasping, finding my way by fell.

Grasping and reaching at dreams never realized
Sinking in the despair of those that never materialized
Stumbling over the stones of opportunities never taken
Sinking deeper into the mire of men forsaken.

Filtering through solids, falling through space
floating across rivers in search of a place
Where life is abundant for those that have need.
Where it's possible arose from a dandelion seed

I would like to return, from darkness to light
But how does one escape the darkness of night ?
I have come to far, leaving reality behind,
There is no escape from the depths of the mind. 

Bill Bridge

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