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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Justin Castillo: GODDESS


My love, my beauty, I have praised you before.
My love, my beauty, it is you I adore.
So come a bit closer and listen some more
As I compare your beauty to ancient lore.

You are my Goddess, but neither Roman nor Greek.
Surpassing those of whom Homer did speak.
The Muse--oh how his knees would go weak!
And stricken blind he would pray for a peek.

Your beauty is greater than that of Helen of Troy.
Her charms, I confess, would bring me no joy.
And while immaculate Venus is much too coy,
I honor only you; She is Milo's toy.

Like Artemis the Huntress your foes I will thwart.
Just give me a sign of where I should start.
To you Pallas Athena is not so smart.
And your columned Temple resides in my heart.

And I climb its step every now and then
To bask in your divinity again and again.
And this is my prayer to you when I sin:
"My Goddess you're beautiful. I love you. Amen."

Justin Castillo

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