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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Beth Wentz: THE BOTTLE

The Bottle

It was buried in the sand;
so I reached out to lend a hand.
Then I relized it was a bottle from the sea, containing a message;
not about you or me.
The message read as followed:

My Dearest Love,
It's been three months;
but my love for you grows stronger with every passing second.
I see you in my mind;
but you have left me behind.
I do not know how much longer I can go on; 
now that you are gone.
I think of you all the time;
while I work, while I eat, even while I sleep.
Without I can not survive;
I do not know if I can last without you by my side.
I see you in my dreams;
you arelaughing and as happy as can be;
that's how I will always remember you.
My father tells me to find another;
but you are the only one I will ever love.
I wish I could see you one last time;
to tell you that you would always be mine.
                          Your true love,

As I replaced the letter in the bottle, tears streaming down my cheeks;
I wondered what it would be like to be cherished like that woman.
I slowly walked back to my home on the beach;
taking the bottle along with me;
this would be a day I would never forget.

Beth Wentz

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